Religious Education Philosophy
We believe that the Religious education of our children is a shared responsibility between Church and family. The purpose of catechesis is to make a person's faith become alive, conscious and active through the light of instruction. Acting on this belief, the catechist of Saint Anthony of Padua Religious Education Program are committed to the spiritual growth of our children. At your child's Baptism, you also made a commitment for your child to be raised in the Catholic faith. We now ask you to fulfill that promise. Together, with humble confidence and hope rooted in prayer, we can instill in our children God's message as the way of life.
Parent Responsibility:
1. Provide your child with opportunities to learn and practice their faith at home.
2. Make it possible for your children to share and nurture their faith within the parish community, especially by attending Mass together each Sunday and on holy days of obligation.
3. Be aware of the Religious Education class schedule (as well as scheduled Parent Meetings and activities) and bring your child to class, regularly and on time
4. Call the DRE (Director of Religious Education) if your child will not be at class
5. Send your child with a letter in case they need to have early dismissal
6. See that you child makes up all miss class work
7. Watch the weekly bulletin for news, notices, changes, etc.
Tuition Fee:
Cost of tuition is $80 dollars, that covers instructional books and material used by students during the religious education Program.
All kids are required to attend all scheduled classes (exceptions apply for illnesses), no more than three justifiable absences per calendar year.
Cancellation of Class due to Inclement Weather:
If there is a class cancelation due to inclement weather, teachers will contact you regarding any cancellations. Do not call the rectory since nobody will answer the telephone or check this website for any cancellation.